Senin, September 07, 2009

Lowongan Kerja sebagai Sekretaris Direksi di PT. ETERNAIR WATER INDONESIA September 2009

Kesempatan berkarir sebagai Sekretaris Direksi di PT. ETERNAIR WATER INDONESIA September 2009

Kami adalah perusahaan yang berkembang menjalankan bisnisnya di air minum, mencari Tenaga kerja berkualitas dan energik profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

We are a growing company running its business on drinking water, seeking urgently qualified and energetic professionals for the following position:

Secretary to Directors


* Female, maximum 35 years old
* Graduate from D-3 secretarial academy or college
* Having the experience in the same field, mininum 3 years
* Pleasant, having good and strong personality
* Mature and interpersonal skill
* Good command of English
* Ability to work with some computer programs

If you meet the above requirements, please send your CV with the most recent photographs and other necessary documents no later than 2 weeks from the date of this advertisement to the following:

PT Eternair Water Indonesia
Jl. KH. Moch Mansyur 202Q
Komp. Santiago Jembatan Lima
Jakarta 11220

atau email:

Job Category Secretarial - Secretarial Secretarial - Secretary, Company Secretary
Job Location DKI Jakarta - Jakarta

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